Kamis, 19 September 2013

In this world there are many Interesting info that you may not know

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In this world there are many Interesting info that you may not know , therefore I am going to share all of it here , and here's 100 Interesting Info You Need To Know 1 . Approximately 400 billion cups of coffee have been drunk every year . 2 . Beethoven lost his hearing when he was 32 ​​years old . 3 . When dry lips , avoid licking his lips because it actually makes the lips more dry . 4 . There are approximately 13 billion phone calls every day in the world . 5 . Every day around the world there are 1 billion SMS were sent . 6 . Thomas Alva Edison had patented his findings in 1093 . 7 . The longest living insect is Queen Termite . He can live for 50 years . 8 . House fly flap its wings about 20,000 times per minute. 9 . Ant Semai ( Tomcat ) is an ancient insect known to have existed 200 million years ago . 10 . The names of the planets in the solar system chosen by the Greek astronomer . 11 . Put the astronauts consisted of 14 layers of synthetic fibers . 12 . The black box is usually placed near the tail of the plane , because that's the part that most rarely broken . 13 . The time it takes to build the ship Queen Mary 2 is 8,000,000 hours . 14 . A woman in the United States to rob a bank to buy dentures . 15 . Blueberry fruit can prevent premature aging . 16 . Mercury , one day longer than one year . 17 . Apples are more efficient than caffeine to wake you up in the morning . 18 . Alligators can live more than 100 years . 19 . Hippos can actually run faster than humans . 20 . Olive trees can live up to 1,500 years . 21 . National song Nationality Greece has 158 verses . 22 . Babies can dream even before he was born . 23 . The price of a watermelon in Japan can cost $ 100 or Rp . 900.000 , - 24 . Pepsi - Cola was once called " Brad 's drink" . 25 . Ants never sleep . 26 . Honeybees fly at speeds of 15 miles per hour . 27 . Horses can not vomit . 28 . Adult giraffe has a 17- inch tongue . 29 . Pear will change color to a very dark when stored in an area that is poorly oxygenated . 30 . Although oranges contain high levels of vitamin C , grapefruit can aggravate heartburn due to increased levels of stomach acid . 31 . Yam contains isoflavones which act as antioxidants which can prevent damage to the skin due to exposure to UV rays from the sun . 32 . Kiwi fruit contains actinidin substances that could be used to make the beef tender . 33 . Mango has an equivalent amount of vitamin C with orange . 34 . Studies on development of apple called ' Pomology ' . 35 . Use of punctuation " ? ! " or " ! ? " called Interrobang 36 . Mucus potent aloe vera plant to treat wounds . 37 . Average of more than 83000 liters of rain fell every day on Earth . 38 . Penguins eat snow as a water source . 39 . The largest butterflies in the world called Queen Alexandra Birdwing . 40 . In the days of ancient civilizations , daisy leaves are believed to ward off evil spirits . 41 . The first person who says OMG is the supreme commander of the 75 -year -old 42 . Before the number is found, the line count by carving on wood or bone . 43 . During his reign , Mao Zedong had killed as many as 78 million people in China 44 . Circumstances in which a person feels a strong fear and continuously against Halloween is Samhainophobia 45 . Police men in India will receive additional salary if they have a mustache 46 . Only 2 % of the world population has green eyes 47 . It takes 6 to 8 months to make one episode of The Simpsons 48 . Britain has a special postal code for sending a letter to Santa Claus is SAN TA1 49 . There is a restaurant in Japan that used a monkey as a waiter 50 . Lion can run 50 miles per hour when hunting prey . 51 . In the original story , Alladin not limited in the application wishes 52 . Cows sleep standing up more often . 53 . Penguins can hold their breath for 20 minutes in the water . 54 . Most humans have about 100,000 strands of hair . 55 . Sunrise and sunset are the hours of the first man. 56 . Cats front legs have 5 fingers , while the 4 fingers on his hind legs . 57 . After bathing , leather palms and feet become thicker . 58 . In the saliva of mosquitoes there are substances that cause an allergic skin , so we feel itchy . 59 . Experts say mosquitoes suck blood turns before pre - discharge of urine in the form of blood . 60 . Black box orange real aircraft to be easily found . 61 . Left armpit produce more body odor from the right armpit . 62 . Linda Brake willing to penetrate a woman photographer -20 degrees to capture images of Aurora . 63 . The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that the oil content below the Arctic reached a quarter of world oil content . 64 . There is a law in Canada that states that margarine and butter should have a different color . 65 . In North Korea , the red ink should only be used to write the names of people who had died . 66 . In one day , the whales need to eat meat as much as 50kg up to 150kg . 67 . Long blue whale can reach 30 feet ! 68 . Some species such as the Bowhead Whale whale can live up to 200 years ! 69 . John Lennon's tooth sells for more than 279 million dollars at auction . 70 . Japan has anti- obesity legislation . 71 . Elephant tooth can have the same weight with a bowling ball ! 72 . In 2008 , Twitter only has 8 employees but are now more than 400 people . 73 . Tissue paper was invented in China in the year 1300an and only king is allowed to use it . 74 . Score largest in the world in international games is 31-0 , the match between the Australian national team against the American Samoa national team . 75 . First Blog on the Internet is the ' What 's New ' on the Mosaic browser made ​​by Marc Andersen in 1993 . 76 . The first state to implement an online system in the general election is Estonia on March 4, 2007 , with a total of 940,000 men voters . 77 . Hong Kong passport holders born under 95 years are allowed into the UK without applying for visas because their former colony . 78 . Strength of an elephant is almost the same as the strength of 130 men . 79 . Polar bears only in the Arctic while penguins only in the Antarctic . 80 . Pigs can not sweat because they do not have sweat glands in the body . 81 . When he was in a deep well , we can see the stars in the sky during the day though . 82 . Human fingerprints have started to form since 3 months old fetus . 83 . Studies show spicy foods beneficial for weight loss and heart healthy . 84 . Carlos Caszely ( Chile players ) is the player who hit the first red card in the World Cup , on June 14, 1974 . 85 . In some Indian tribes , and the Thracians of Bulgaria , the birth was greeted with sadness , while death was greeted with excitement . 86 . It takes 1,000 years to watch all the videos now on YouTube . 87 . Smokers 10 years sooner a heart attack than nonsmokers . 88 . Spicy flavors on the tongue will be quickly lost by drinking milk . 89 . Based on Oxford University research scientist , milk can help in improving memory power . 90 . Queen Elizabeth I had Anthophobia , namely fear of roses . 91 . Images bitten apple on the Apple logo inspired from Alan Turning , the father of modern computer completive life with apples air- consuming cyanide . 92 . Giraffe heart can pump 15 gallons of blood in 1 minute . 93 . Bread made ​​round so its easy to put gas in the dough so it does not quickly stale bread 94 . Before starting the exercise , stiff muscles in the body , so it is necessary to warm up to loosen . 95 . Rabbits can not vomit . 96 . The more heat , the more difficult for aircraft to take- off . 97 . Before the rubber eraser was invented, people using pieces of bread to erase pencil marks . 98 . Camel milk can mask smooth , brighten and eliminate the element of substance is not good on the skin . 99 . Recent studies have revealed that Indonesia is the ancestors of Madagascar . 100 . The first winner of the show " Who Wants to Be a Millionaire " just use the help call to tell him that he's going to win .

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